GASP!!! Awwwwwww!! Really!?!?

Well......for once, I am at a total loss for words...ones that make any real sense. like.....holycutechubbycheeksbatman!! We received the file for this precious little one on Thursday may 26th. I could totally eat her up...and the sucker! She has a serious heart condition. So serious, in fact, she has already had open heart surgery to repair it. We were given limited information, and of course a limited amount of time to decide if this was a match for our family....and as God would have it...on a holiday weekend when (after faxing her medical history to two Dr.'s offices) we have yet to hear any news about what the 13 page assessment said...or better yet, didn't say. I would be totally dishonest if I didn't say I was afraid...I'm downright terrified. I have asked God so many times, through this process.."are you sure?" I mean, "about us?", "are we the right people for this?" . I was reminded by another adoptive mom that "he doesn't call the equipped.....He equips the called."....Errrrrr??.. so then, we are right for the job?? I am no good when it comes to minor cuts and bruises...I mean, I can totally screw up a band aid. So to say this frightens me...somehow, does not begin to cover it. Then He reminds me..

"my grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

I love that!!...because this process, has, in a lot of ways, left me feeling helpless and out of control....just where He wants me...needs me, to be..fully relying on Him. I am worried that others will suggest we not pursue this child.....I am afraid it's too late for that. You see, after being at the fathers feet pleading for her...I realize that He wanted me to bring my questions and concerns to Him.....not that we will forgo the opinions of professionals, they will just have to be secondary, to how God directs us. Please pray for this sweet little face and her little broken heart.

I do not know what the future holds for Qwinn, but one thing I know for certain, is that she is yours. Help us to know your good and perfect will, and to move toward it without reservation. I pray for her fragile little heart, her neurological, and physical health. I pray for your most powerful healing touch for her body and spirit. I pray for attachment to be swift and seamless. I pray that we will not be strangers but for a moment, and you will start weaving our family together, before we ever leave to go get her. Thank you for this awesome love you have given us.......thank you for adopting me....P.S we would like to get her asap....cause I need to feed her some carbs.

"For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


  1. She is beautiful!!!! You are so right when you said that He wants us to bring our concerns to Him, He is the one that is going to take care of you!! So take them all to the foot of the cross! I love you and will be PR for all of you and most especially for Qwinn, that you will get her quickly and that you will bond amazingly.

  2. dearest amy ~ oh sweet girl....i just read your blogpost from may 26th and i am filled with understanding. filled with the feelings from a july 2009 weekend...just like yours: immediate love. incredible connection. strange loss of words. completely enamored. wildly determined. and unbelievably afraid. could she be ours? can we be hers? i know. i know. i really do know. we look back at that weekend of decision making and doctor contacting and it seems like yesterday...or a lifetime ago. i can never decide. but she is on my deck at this very moment making sandbox ice cream cones with her big sister, sarah. and today still holds all the dreams for this little girl from china...but chased completely away are the doubts. gone. God walks us through it. He carries us in it...and He leads. He always leads. trust Him, friend. don't trust yourselves, we aren't able....and nothing we tell ourselves will convince us otherwise. trust Him. He is more than able. much love to you...and to the possibilities for something good. very good. like sandbox ice cream cones...and so much more.

  3. What a doll? I know you guys are totally excited and overwhelmed. We've been praying for you all, including Qwinn. God is sooooo awesome!


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