Prayer Journal

I started a prayer journal back in the early stages of our paperwork process. I didn't have very many written entries, however I spent a lot of time praying in the car back and forth to school (35min. commute), to and from appointments and practices. My goal was to have this journal to give to my daughter one day. I wanted her to see the process through our eyes and see how God planted a love for her in our hearts before we even knew her. I am still a slacker with the prayer journal. I tend to pray when God brings specific thoughts into my head like....I wonder if she is even she hungry? I admit these thoughts can drive one mad!! I have learned how to manage the fear brought on by these thoughts through prayer. Ok, if I am wondering if she is hungry then my immediate prayer is "Father I pray at this moment you will fill my daughter with your Holy Spirit, and that you would supply her need for food, clothing and shelter this day. I have prayed prayers like this many times over the past 7 months sometimes several times a day. I wanted to post one of the entries from my prayer journal. There were several days in a row where I felt a strong nudging from the Holy Spirit to specifically pray for my daughters biological mother. I am sure, as all of this unfolds, God will reveal the specifics of this day, maybe not to me, but to whomever and for whatever purpose it will glorify Him.
August 2010~
Father I come to you today especially burdened for my daughter's biological mother. Protect her and keep her safe, give her everything she needs this day. I ask for her to have clean water and food. Whatever the circumstances that surround her decision to give her daughter a future with us, I pray that you would guide each step and provide her with the options that are best for her and the baby. Thank you for leading her to keep her pregnancy, and not terminate the life that you, God, have plans for. I pray a hedge of protection around them and that you would lead them to safe places and provide for their every need. Thank you for this precious woman who will carry my baby. Speak to her heart, send your Holy Spirit to minister peace to her and reveal yourself to her so that she will know that You are, The one True God, and to put no other gods before you. Protect her body, help her to make wise decisions Father. I know that You are growing our hearts so that we will have a love for this child that is from You, one that exceeds the boundaries of the womb. The kind of love that put Christ on the cross, the kind that sent Him to die, so that You could adopt me.~ Amen
The very last part of that prayer, I have found myself praying on a daily basis. I pray it with my children's really my heart. I know that I serve a mighty God and His love is BIG. He has shown me, lately, how lavish He is with His love. He is ready and willing to give it at any time....when I don't deserve it (which is most of the time) and when I can't afford it ( which is ALL of the time). So that's it for today....a little more serious than usual. The pictures really don't apply...they are just my babies and I love looking at them! ;)


  1. This touches my heart....but more importantly...I just know it touches the heart of God. How wonderful for this precious little one to someday know that not only were you praying for her, but you were praying for her mother. Love you!


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