Flash Frozen...and Fingerprinted

So I will get you caught up a bit. We started the paper chase the first week of June 2010.....Today we stood outside in a loooong line waiting for our biometrics to be taken. (fancy for fingerprints) This particular set is for the I800a. (fancy for immigration for my little wonton). Our appointment time was 8:30a, my kids go to school in a county 30min in the opposite direction from my house..an hour away from the appointment (had to call in for back-up..aka Poppy). As I was trying to leave I tossed around wether I actually would need my coat (hate schlepping that thing around). Upon re-entry (for the third time) into the house (because momma forgets) I grabbed it. Umkay....20degrees this morning friends...momma has on flats (cute ones :) jeans and a lightweight sweater over a button up, did I mention that the flats were too cute to wear with socks?! As we pulled up I noticed a line......down the side of the building!? What the......what?! My husband and I get in said line......swaying.....hopping......bouncing........straight up jumping jacks....then one of the workers comes outside, carrying clipboards. ( yay!! we can go inside and fill out whatever that is (and what could IT possibly be?! cause seriously we have filled it ALL out) ... "If you could please fill out the top only and I need to see your paperwork, all cell phones, cameras and purses need to be taken to your cars, they are not allowed in the building". ?!? I'm sorry? does that mean we are going in now?? BRRRRRR At that point I was ready to stick my feet IN my purse and CALL an ambulance!! After the flash freezing process, we got inside and they zipped us through (we actually waited OUTSIDE longer than we were INSIDE) and now we are one more step toward our little munchkin. So Qwinn (my munchkin) regardless of how cute the shoe, if it's 20 degrees take your coat, and an emergency pair of socks...in your handbag of course ;)


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